Inexplicably pleased.
Second Draft :
We're supposed to be working on a DJ project for this month's Muzik compo contest and I just haven't been feeling real great about my previous work (see previous blog entries) so I started over with the music that I know better than any other - EIGHTIES MUSIC BABY!
A while back I found a computer program that will figure out what tempo your songs are and put that information into the file that iTunes reads. Anyways, the point is that I was able to compile a list of songs with similar tempos all from the 80's with minimal effort.
Sadly, one of my favorite songs of all time is the Go-Go's "Head over Heels". "Head over Heels" was the inspiration for the whole track. The rest is just finding songs with similar sounds and tempos.
I just love the vicious pace of the song and the rather blatant rip-off of Prince's snare hits from just about all of his 1980's hits. Yes I understand that's from a Linn drum machine but whatever - it was still popularized by Prince and ripped off by the Go-Go's.
Anyways, I went and found the source for that drum hit and there's actually a section of Raspberry Beret (the very beginning) which is drums only and made for a real nice clean drum set. So I took those drum hits and played with the songs you hear for a bit and VI - O - LA! :)
I think its a fun little song - hope you enjoy.