JRock3x8's Life Musings

Friday, August 22, 2008

Star Wars : The Force Unleashed Demo

Ok, so I've read two types of opinions of this demo so far.

#1) ZOMG! This is the coolest game EVAR!


#2) The controls are REALLY screwed up.

And ya know what? They're both right. I played the demo for aobut 3 hours this morning and it is both incredibly fun and amazingly frustrating. Why is it that I can't cycle through targets to use my force powers are. The target selection all seems to be this bizarre where you're looking almost random system.

Still, the core gameplay is a LOT of fun and it looks very much like a true Star Wars adventure.

Last comment - the AT-ST battle at the end? completely unsatisfying...felt like I was jacking a mech in MA2. booooring.


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