JRock3x8's Life Musings

Monday, September 01, 2008

10k training, 9/1


So, today I started my 10k training. As you can see by the peaks and valleys there were times where it felt pretty darn good and then there were times where I felt like I hit a wall.

I started out with pain at the top of my lower right leg, right where the bone hits the tendon and stiffness in my upper left outer calf. But about a half mile into it that went away and I felt pretty good. I had Aaron Shust's My God/My Savior in Julie's ipod and found that was a very suitable running song.

As you can see from the chart above, I clipped along at 8-minute miles for about 1.5 miles before I hit the wall. My lungs just could not handle it. I also had cramping in my shoulders - not sure why. What impresses me is that somehow I managed to get back to that pace on the way home. I felt just dead coming home but my splits don't look that bad.

I discovered while taking a shower after my running and stretching how much I missed runner's cough and that feeling right after a good coughing fit like you need to throw up. Thankfully, that goes away pretty fast. I also am STILL sweating some 30 minutes after my run now. How long does it take to cool off from these darn things, anyways?

Next stop : Wednesday, another 3 miles. I may have to adjust the schedule a bit to give my lungs some time to catch up.


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