JRock3x8's Life Musings

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

10k Training Day 3, 9/3

YAH! Tonight felt pretty darn good!

I did a couple things a little different.

First of all, I tried REALLY hard to keep my pace up around 10 minutes as opposed to racing myself out of breath. I had my eye on my Nike+ sportband frequently making sure I wasn't getting ahead of myself. You can see right before the 1 mile marker I had to slow myself down.

The other thing that I did was work on rolling my feet through my stride. I discovered that when I get tired I tend to stomp my feet on the ground which actually kills a lot of my momentum, making it harder for me to keep up with my pace. Per the suggestion of my wife, I tried rolling from heel to toe and pushing THROUGH my strides while my foot was on the ground and I felt much more efficient wasting a lot less breath.

I added a little kick at the end just to celebrate the fact that I made it to 2 miles without a lot of pain or trouble.

I did have stiffness again in my calves, but moreso in my left outer quad. The one encouraging thing about my soreness is that it seems to rotate throughout my body and it's not intensifying in any one spot.

Tomorrow is a rest day (I may throw in a half-mile just to stay loose) and then Friday we go for the big 3 again. I don't know what the hell I was thinking trying to run 3 miles on my very first day. Dumb.


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